A chaos, beast, maniac, ugly, disgusting creature, rebellious, deformed, weaker, demanding, provocative, undisciplined, dangerous, bitch, uneducated, evil beauty, difficult, bad, second sex, smelly, repulsive, terror, marvelous, blood, warning, weird angel, terrible, lazy, distrustful, mindless, fearless, hard to deal with, unwise, blob, too much, provocative, too attractive, mysterious, insecure, immature, rebel, aggressive, unethical, rule-breaker, betrayer, smokes, lustful, female flâneur, odd, taboo, feminist, abomination, weird, pussy, monster...
A red monster.
The RedLips Women Art + Sport Project is all about blending art and sports to not only highlight women athletes and artists but also push for gender equality, empowerment, and social change. At its heart, the project uses the bold symbol of red lips to represent confidence, strength, and femininity, while challenging traditional gender roles in both the sports and art worlds. It’s a celebration of breaking boundaries and redefining what it means to be a woman in these spaces.